Miss Jill and I have been on the move for the last few days. Due to a last minute bone marrow drive, we went to Ojai for the weekend to help register more people onto the marrow registry (long story if I never told you about her job). We hiked for 90 minutes on Saturday morning through decently mild terrain but oppressive 90+ degree heat. We were slightly under-hydrated. The slight problem was when SHOTS WERE

FIRED. Yikes, like a scared Cherry Bugg, we hid... but it was just some odd dude with a rifle practice shooting (we hope).

We survived high temperatures, long hikes, psychotic sandwich makers, chatty cashiers, and a one-eyed Saab. Wasn't it Nietzche who said, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." Or did he say "Dude, where's my car?" I forget. Modern philosophy makes me think too much.
Oh, last addendum: Cherry Bugg says she's never hid when scared. OK.
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