Anyway, where was I? More precisely, when was I? Well, possibly in the future. While looking at this picture of poor Root Beer Float trapped in a temporal vortex, I noticed the timestamp at the bottom of the picture. It's in the future! She hasn't been trapped in a vortex yet! Or maybe when I saw her, I was the one in the vortex and then I was shipped back in time. But I don't own a DeLorean. Oh, the paradox of time travel.

On a related note, at some point in the next fortnight (hey, I'm a British Literature teacher, I can get away with that), the new season of Doctor Who is out. Yes, there is a new actor playing the vaunted time traveling iconoclast. Let's just hope he was as good as the previous one. Just stay away from police boxes and don't, I repeat, don't pet the cholla! (You thought I was going to say, "Blink," didn't you?)

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