Let me recount the backgrounds of the hallowed day of Thumpmas. On that night of December 25th, a tired Joseph and a quite pregnant Mary were trying to find a place to stay for the night. There was no room in the inn so they had to stay out in a nearby stable. All the animals all were allowed to stay: sheep, donkeys, raccoons, dolphins... everyone except the rabbits! They were forcefully moved out by the Shepherds. Then the Magi later came by that night and tried to eat them! How intolerably rude!!! Thus the rabbits on the scene were quite upset and rightly so. The birth of the Baby Jesus startled them with His commotion. With all the Seraphim singing and the Choirs and Hosts rejoicing, the rabbits could do only what they knew: they THUMPED. And with that thump, that startled the Baby Jesus and He cried for the very first time. Granted a few windows broke but still the upset rabbits helped create one of the seminal moments in Jesus' life. The rabbits look back on Thumpmas with mixed emotions. Yes, the great Jesus was born but they were also kicked out of their home, thus starting a tradition in many nations: the chasing of rabbits out of hutches.
Ironically, Miss Jill and Mister John are with new child this Thumpmas. But no rabbits were kicked out. Instead they shall be fed at home by a bunny sitter.
True Chip came out last Thumpmas to Arizona and thumped all n
ight in the Kendalls' laundry room because someone (re: Miss Jill) left the light on all night in there. Rumor has it in the bunny community that Miss Jill and Mister John adopted a beautiful baby girl for the sole purpose of not bringing a bunny out to Arizona for Thumpmas.
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