My father (also known at school as The Original Mr. Erb) turned 78 today so we took him out for bowling this morning. As anyone who knows the family, bowling has been our connecting sport... even though Pat, Jay, and Mr. John have all played softball together many-a-time. While Dad only shot in the mid 130s this year, it still is to his credit as he had a really bad series of strokes almost 10 years ago. He has a difficult time seeing out of the corners of either eye so bowling does not come easy any more. That being said, he did roll well enough to beat almost everyone else there today.
Dakota shot a 100, according to her the highest score of her life (yay!). Garrett and Trevor... well... somewhere in the mid-70s for both of them. My brother Jay, pictured above, bowled for the first time in two years or so and finished with a game in the 160s.
Indeed... much like Bowling Club... that's how we roll.
Later the family came over to Chez Erb and check out the newest edition to the family: Mary Jane. My sister Jo as well as my brother Jay had not seen her in person yet (yes, all these lovely blog shots are great but as with all babies, one needs to see/hold them in person). All were amazed at her happiness and spirit. And then she fell asleep in anyone's arms.
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