2020s: The Rise of the Giants I thought it was difficult having three children but four bunnies... and two of them Flemish giants? Not enough food in the house! And it's been a while but with the Coronavirus, it's time to reboot the blog. It's time for us to update everyone on nine living creatures at the same house for over a month...
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Possible Joint Sharing of Rabbit Power
Alas, no definitive decision has been made regarding the controversial tie in the Bunny Election in November. Princess Jane and Cherry Bugg reached a tie in your overall voting which makes things even more confusing than your typical Minnesota re-count, Alaskan senatorial trial, or even your Illinois gubernatorial shakedown. Both sides have not resigned themselves to any sort of lower position for backyard rule. Jane still clings to her mantra of "Divine Right of Rabbits" while Cherry Bugg still clamors for "Change You Can Hop For."
As the stalemate drags into the New Year, this also affects the magistrates of the neighboring edifice. Mister John and Miss Jill cannot understand why both parties cannot compromise in any detail. Both parties claim that the two humans are either supporting or hindering their positions. Cherry Bugg claims that she never receives apple sauce when she is inside while Princess Jane claims not to have her cage and never gets to sleep on the same bad as Miss Jill and Mister John at night. (Miss Jill and Mister John could not be reached for comment about either accusation.)
Currently the edifice merely hosts "lesser" dignitaries such as Ruby Jane and Root Beer Float. The ever-hungry Root Beer Float currently is sitting in the den cage eating every last pellet in the food bowl; conversely, Ruby Jane camouflages herself behind the brown curtain and rests patiently on the grey tile floor. Neither of them have any comment. Personally, I think they are both anarchists who want neither candidate to succeed and leave all the carrots, grass, and hay to them.
Ironically, Root Beer Float wishes everyone a Happy New Ear!!!
As the stalemate drags into the New Year, this also affects the magistrates of the neighboring edifice. Mister John and Miss Jill cannot understand why both parties cannot compromise in any detail. Both parties claim that the two humans are either supporting or hindering their positions. Cherry Bugg claims that she never receives apple sauce when she is inside while Princess Jane claims not to have her cage and never gets to sleep on the same bad as Miss Jill and Mister John at night. (Miss Jill and Mister John could not be reached for comment about either accusation.)
Currently the edifice merely hosts "lesser" dignitaries such as Ruby Jane and Root Beer Float. The ever-hungry Root Beer Float currently is sitting in the den cage eating every last pellet in the food bowl; conversely, Ruby Jane camouflages herself behind the brown curtain and rests patiently on the grey tile floor. Neither of them have any comment. Personally, I think they are both anarchists who want neither candidate to succeed and leave all the carrots, grass, and hay to them.
Ironically, Root Beer Float wishes everyone a Happy New Ear!!!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Thumpmas for the Rabbits
The bunnies are quite pleased as it that time of year again, the celebration of Thumpmas when the bunnies thumped at the Maji for presenting such crappy gifts. They wanted carrots, lettuce, and hay. Guess those wise men weren't so wise, were they?
Princess Jane wants a larger tiara this year. Phillip wants more dance music CDs. Cherry Bugg would like a getaway vacation. Root Beer Float and Ruby Jane both would like a buffet filled with bananas, dead leaves, and dictionaries (go figure).
Have a hoppy Thumpmas Day everyone!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Controversial Decision Awaits Bunny Election
After all the votes have been tallied, the Bunny Election of 2008 resulted in a TIE! Both the camps of Cherry Bugg and Princess Jane were outraged that the electorate could not decide upon the more deserving rabbit. Unfortunately there is nothing in the local constitution that provides a more definitive roadmap in case of electorate tying.
Quite possibly all of the indoor animals (Clifford, TV Turtle, Sharkey, etc) might get their own vote. Or there might just be a split leadership. Considering Princess Jane and Cherry Bugg do not seem to get along well, this might be a difficult decision.
Clearly there will be a recount. Hopefully cooler heads and lucky feet will prevail.
Quite possibly all of the indoor animals (Clifford, TV Turtle, Sharkey, etc) might get their own vote. Or there might just be a split leadership. Considering Princess Jane and Cherry Bugg do not seem to get along well, this might be a difficult decision.
Clearly there will be a recount. Hopefully cooler heads and lucky feet will prevail.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Big Turnout on Bunny Election Day
A long line of rabbits and inside animals queued up this afternoon for the all-important election between Cherry Bugg and Princess Jane. While the exit polling was scattered at best, the clear topic of consideration was food. Which rabbit will give the most food to the animals? "I want more tuna!" one anonymous voter said before he swam off and almost bit another animal.
Mister John and Miss Jill were not around to keep an eye on election fraud. They kept Clifford the Big Red Dog in charge. He was quoted as saying, "No potty on the bed" whatever that means.
Ensure your vote counts: get it in by 11:00pm.
Mister John and Miss Jill were not around to keep an eye on election fraud. They kept Clifford the Big Red Dog in charge. He was quoted as saying, "No potty on the bed" whatever that means.
Ensure your vote counts: get it in by 11:00pm.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Bunny Debate Set for Next Week

Bunny Election candidates Cherry Bugg and Princess Jane have agreed to meet in three separate debates to discuss the various important election topics. The first debate will set in the master bedroom and will be supervised by Miss Jill. Here they will discuss domestic policy in front of many stuffed animals who are surprisingly still undecided (except for Mama and Papa Bugg who clearly will vote for their daughter). They will both be seated on the bed and answer these questions for at least 30 minutes or until one of them bites the other on the butt.
The second debate will be held outdoor in the patio by the back door. This debate will primarily discuss economic and agricultural issues. Questions about carrots, rose bushes, and dead leaves will surely arise. It is believed that Mister John will supervise this debate and it should last 30 minutes or until one of the rabbits again tries to bite the other on the butt.
The final debate will be held on the living room sofa and this will be more of a town hall debate in front of the other undecided animals: Fred, Frederica, Sharkey, Commute Bunny, and Clifford among others. Again this should last approximately thirty minutes. There is no truth to the rumor that Princess Jane and Cherry Bugg will debate MMA style in a steel cage. They prefer smooth wood floors.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Mister John Caught Hypnotizing Candidate
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Suppsedly Neutral Human Caught Cuddling Candidate

Even more controversy has rocked the Bunny Election of 2008 when one Jill Erb was seen cuddling Cherry Bugg, a candidate for the top spot. While neither could be available for comment, others were quick to speak. "No rats!" was heard from a neutral dog Clifford. A supporter of Cherry Bugg, a coughing rabbit named Papa Bugg (admittedly a supporter of Cherry Bugg as well as her father) said, "That's fine and dandy but does anyone have any smokes?" Finally a cute looking Root Beer Float did not say of whom she would vote but rather curiously kept grazing on the grass only lifting her head to sneeze cutely for reporters.
Remember: Bunny Election Day is the same day as the one for those humans. Thump the vote!
Remember: Bunny Election Day is the same day as the one for those humans. Thump the vote!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Supporters of Cherry Bugg Try to Smear Princess Jane Before the Elections
Someone from the Cherry Bugg camp released a private photo between Phillip and Princess Jane trying to stir some controversy. Jane's camp immediately replied that what happens in the back yard between two consenting rabbits should remain that way. However, this as any surprising photo may change the minds of "simple stuffed animals in the house" one anonymous source said.
Meanwhile Cherry Bugg was seen trying to eat leaves off trees; the environmentalists were not happy.
The debates will begin this week. Possible topics: food shortages, indoor flop time, new human servants, the economy, and stinky butts. Both candidates will stand upon one dais but will be separated by a four foot wire fence in case they try to bite each other in the butt. No one ever said that rabbit politics was a friendly art or science. In fact it's more like a rabbit joust: two rabbits, one couch, lots of lunging with claws up!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Catalina Bison Unsure About Vote
While most of the animal nation is pondering the all important question: Cherry Bugg or Princess Jane, one bison was wandering along in Catalina and wondering what all the fuss was about. "They're just rabbits, aren't they?" asked Benny the Bison. After later hearing it was Cherry Bugg and Princess Jane, he recanted, "Oh, that IS of great importance. I am still undecided." Then Benny chased a tourist.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Discussions Sweep Backyard over Upcoming Election
Bunnies were debating all over the backyard in regards to key issues that might change the future of rabbits on Dewey Street. Some were talking under the orange tree while other were flopping together on the sun-light grass. Even others were musing indoors on the cool feel of a polished wooden floor.
"I think it's all about the carrot economy," said an anonymous white rabbit with black spots and a curious orange discoloration under her chin. "I will choose the rabbit that gets me more carrots. And if that has to be Mr. John or Miss Jill than I might have to choose them.
Another rabbit with brown fur also added to the discussion, "I fear for my safety sometimes. I think others are out to get me and bite my butt. I really need a new leader who will protect me from that. I have a very sensitive fluffy tail.
While most of the day the discussions were civil, some arguments did arise over which rabbit would get the most food and which rabbits would get to run around on Sunday. Furthermore, indoor visitation rights in the winter also seem tantamount. Ultimately the rabbits thumped, flopped, ate dead leaves, and promised to resume discussion next Sunday.
"I think it's all about the carrot economy," said an anonymous white rabbit with black spots and a curious orange discoloration under her chin. "I will choose the rabbit that gets me more carrots. And if that has to be Mr. John or Miss Jill than I might have to choose them.
Another rabbit with brown fur also added to the discussion, "I fear for my safety sometimes. I think others are out to get me and bite my butt. I really need a new leader who will protect me from that. I have a very sensitive fluffy tail.
While most of the day the discussions were civil, some arguments did arise over which rabbit would get the most food and which rabbits would get to run around on Sunday. Furthermore, indoor visitation rights in the winter also seem tantamount. Ultimately the rabbits thumped, flopped, ate dead leaves, and promised to resume discussion next Sunday.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Jane v. Cherry Bugg in the Bunny Election Rematch

With November approaching and Election Day so close at hand, the matter is getting quite tense here on Dewey Street. Jane, the unquestioned monarch of the back yard for the past six years, is suddenly being challenged to an election by the precocious Cherry Bugg. While Jane believes in divine right of rabbits, Cherry Bugg thinks that all animals should be able to vote for their rulers. (Never mind the fact that they would probably vote off my wife Jill as she rarely feeds them and they would rather replace her with a self-serve grain stand. I, however, would not like to be married to a self-serve grain stand.)
Considering that we do have five rabbits, this election is up for grabs. However, since Jane's mate is Phillip, he will most probably vote for her. Besides, he does not get along well with Cherry Bugg as they tend to fight.
So this means that Ruby Jane and Root Beer Float -- clearly two independent voters with a voting history as scatter-shot as a drunk possum with a pellet gun -- may decide who the winner of the Bunny Election will be.
It has been rumored that ALL animals within the household get a vote so our stuffed animals may also get to decide. Clifford, TV Turtle, Mama Bugg, Papa Bugg, Sharky, Pedro, Trumpet, and even Tan Chihuahua all may get a say in this all-important event.
Hopefully, there will not be a recall on this year's election as Jill and I would prefer to stay in this house for the time being.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Back after the Summer Respite
Sorry for the delays.
School has begun again for Mr. Erb and the WOME is happily back to her wedding planner ways.
In August she and I went to the Grand Canyon and hiked all around it. No pics currently but I do believe she downloaded some. As soon as I get some of those, I shall put them on the site. Furthermore we trekked through many a mudpile at 7,000 feet above sea level. Odd thing about Arizona: they receive all their rain in August. Especially northern Arizona. It just came down everywhere!
Later on we did make it to Sedona for a good ol' fashioned jeep ride amidst the relaxation there. Nothing like having not a care in the world and just watching random Olympic events and worrying about what you'll have with your dinner.
Alas, it is school time again for me so the sophomoric minions are back. They seem to be a nice lot this year but we'll see. Hopefully none of them thump like my rabbits. Oh, those rabbits!!! I'll save that for another post.
Until then.
School has begun again for Mr. Erb and the WOME is happily back to her wedding planner ways.
In August she and I went to the Grand Canyon and hiked all around it. No pics currently but I do believe she downloaded some. As soon as I get some of those, I shall put them on the site. Furthermore we trekked through many a mudpile at 7,000 feet above sea level. Odd thing about Arizona: they receive all their rain in August. Especially northern Arizona. It just came down everywhere!
Later on we did make it to Sedona for a good ol' fashioned jeep ride amidst the relaxation there. Nothing like having not a care in the world and just watching random Olympic events and worrying about what you'll have with your dinner.
Alas, it is school time again for me so the sophomoric minions are back. They seem to be a nice lot this year but we'll see. Hopefully none of them thump like my rabbits. Oh, those rabbits!!! I'll save that for another post.
Until then.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Escape Artist (and say no to zucchini)
The Brown Bear has managed to escape from her pen again. Brown Bear, aka Ruby Jane, somehow squeezed out of her fencing today. At least she didn't challenge the Happy Couple (Phillip and Jane) to any fights today.
As it is, Phillip and Jane were quite upset today. As you already know, they both come from royal lines of rabbits. They truly believe in the divine right of rabbits. Thus, that whole presidential primary season has completely confounded, bemused, and upset them. Princess Jane cannot understand why people would ever select on of their own common kindred to try and lead. I do remind Jane that if I don't give her any carrots then I am her true sovereign. Of that she is not amused.
Odd note: rabbits don't like zucchini. I never knew that. We grew some in the front yard and gave a piece to Root Beer Float. RBF is truly a garbage disposal; yet she wouldn't even touch it.
As it is, Phillip and Jane were quite upset today. As you already know, they both come from royal lines of rabbits. They truly believe in the divine right of rabbits. Thus, that whole presidential primary season has completely confounded, bemused, and upset them. Princess Jane cannot understand why people would ever select on of their own common kindred to try and lead. I do remind Jane that if I don't give her any carrots then I am her true sovereign. Of that she is not amused.
Odd note: rabbits don't like zucchini. I never knew that. We grew some in the front yard and gave a piece to Root Beer Float. RBF is truly a garbage disposal; yet she wouldn't even touch it.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
More Pictures in Ireland... deal with it!
To throw out a few more pics for our starving audience (sorry that it's been over a month, we slack sometimes), here is a typical road sign to our left. Quite manic and do recall that the first place name is in Irish. On the right here are two lambs who resemble Root Beer Float and Ruby Jane. I wonder if their temperments are as similar too.
And, yes, to the left are two alpacas and myself. Nothing quite like going to Ireland to see the native alpaca. Sometime I'll go to Peru and look for the native leperchaun. Oh, do look at the ubiquitous UCLA hat. It was a constant theme throughout the trip. Maybe not the reprezentin' the hoops team as it was to stay warm and dry in the cool windy climes of Eire.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
More Ireland Photos
Because we can. On the right is a photo of dear ol' me (John) standing inside a castle prison cell. At least there is a great view of Caher from there. But still a prison with a great view... is a classroom? Anyway, many castles in Ireland to see. It does amaze me that the Irish had to build all these castles initially to fight off the Vikings and then the scourge of Oliver Cromwell.
Part of me wishes we could grab Oliver Cromwell, take him to the 21st Century (or maybe just the 20th when things got real testy in Ireland) and say, "Look at this wonderful thing you created. Are you proud of yourself?" Then again, knowing Oliver Cromwell and his Puritan self-righteousness, he would have said, "Aye." Then Commute Bunny could have sung his kneecaps off.
Meanwhile, there's a wonderful picture of me chilling on a park bench with my UCLA ski cap. Nothing reprezents UCLA quite like a ski cap.
Finally, here's a picture of us riding on the back of a carriage on our way to a lake/waterfall in Killarney. Never mind that the signs totally took us away from the park and we somehow fortuitously made it to the park we so desired to reach. Meanwhile some local shopkeep lady insisted that we visit the local castle which was "right next" to the park. Right next being a completely different road and many many kilometres!!! Argh. Anyway, more pictures and comments to come.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Final Four Day!
Friday, March 28, 2008
A Little Bit of Ireland
Bit by bit, Jill and I shall cover the venture to Ireland. Here to the right is a local inhabitant in the city of Dooley. Jill for some reason thinks that this local bleater looks just our wonderful young rabbit Ruby Jane. I just don't see it. The ears are all wrong!
Anyway, we're both finally getting back to our normal sleep cycle. At least I have UCLA basketball games to watch to keep me up later.
Oooh, a Friday when we can eat meat. Last week it was tiger prawns? I can't recall... I lose memories when crossing time zones.
So on the low
er left hand corner here is a brilliant sunset taken from our B&B in the city of Dingle. I do believe it's Easter night that this was taken. Dingle is quite the small harbor village in southwestern Ireland. Most of the people there speak Irish as their first language as was obvious during Easter Mass. I haven't heard a bilingual Mass like that since Scott and Cyndi were married. Not only that but there was a funeral thrown in too. The Easter Mass, not Scott and Cyndi's wedding.
I'll search for more picture about which to comment. Until then... go Bruins.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Back from Ireland!
Yes, we have returned from our ten-day sojourn in the Emerald Isle. After Jill and I have both rested for a day or so, we shall write a voluminous blog about our stay there. A few things to note:
- It's good to be on the RIGHT side of the road again
- Those roads are quite small and bumpy too
- Yes, there may be wind and rain... but it's Irish rain
- One can only drink so much tea in the morning
- Nothing like hearing natives debate the subject of Bank Holiday on the radio
That is all for now... pictures soon.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
All things GREEN
It's t-minus 10 days (is that how you say it?) to our Irish adventure.
I prefer saying Irish adventure to trip to Ireland. Sounds more romantic!
And while I have no plans on conceiving our first born in Ireland, I have pledged to a friend that we'd name "it" Clover if we did. I kid not.
John would hate the name Clover but I don't like to go back on promises!
And while I have no plans on conceiving our first born in Ireland, I have pledged to a friend that we'd name "it" Clover if we did. I kid not.
John would hate the name Clover but I don't like to go back on promises!

Today, I managed to reserve the tiniest car in the world for our trip. Hey...the price at the pump is intimidating...we might as well reserve the tiny car, right? It's an automatic, thank God.
Well, at least that's what I ordered. John learned to drive an H-column stick shift in Arizona a few weeks ago. If he can master that, he should have no problem mastering a regular stick on the wrong side of the car using his left hand, right? I guess that should be correct. But anyway.
Well, at least that's what I ordered. John learned to drive an H-column stick shift in Arizona a few weeks ago. If he can master that, he should have no problem mastering a regular stick on the wrong side of the car using his left hand, right? I guess that should be correct. But anyway.
I am off to the homestead. Dinner tonight for John's Academic Decathlon team. We'll see if I can weasel out or not! --Jill
Friday, February 29, 2008
Leap Day? No, It's Hop Day!
By official decree of Princess Jane, February 29 is now Hop Day. That is all.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
The Battle of Large Carrot

This is a rare picture of Root Beer Float (left) and Ruby Jane (right) sharing a carrot. Typically they will wrestle the carrot away from the other and vainly attempt to hide their newfound loot. Of course the other follows in immediate pursuit and then grabs the carrot back. Oh, the reciprocity of such hungry buns!!!
Currently they are running amuck in the rain not knowing any better.
The best rain anecdote is of dear Miss Bugg who thumped when rain fell on her. She was so despondent and frustrated with the situation that she kept thumping at the rain, wanting it to go away. Silly rabbit.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Alleged voter fraud denied on both sides
Both Cherry Bugg and Princess Jane have officially denounced all reports regarding voter fraud regarding the election for Dewey Rabbit in 2008. However, other rabbits have voiced their displeasure. Root Beer Float was quoted as saying, "Achoo!" to all allegations of voter fraud. Meanwhile a "Papa Bugg" insisted that he was told that would get "smokes" if he voted and he still has not received them yet. Commute Bunny sang it all off as some sort of ruse to get her from karaoke this weekend. No word yet from Prince Phillip; he is still rearranging the furniture.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Voter Fraud in Tuesday's Rabbit Elections?
Controversy racked the back yard on Dewey Street this week when it was alledged that there might have been voter fraud regarding the Jane/Cherry Bugg contest for rabbit supremacy. Officially the tally came out in favor of Jane: 8-6. However, a recount was asked for by Cherry Bugg's campaign officials and it was discovered that Root Beer Float and Ruby Jane did not vote in the election. At first it was thought that these two precocious youths just voted for themselves but RBF was later heard to say, "Achoo!" in regards to the whole election process.
Jane remains adamant that she won a fair election. However, Cherry Bugg claims that in the recount, she won by a margin of 108-2. Jane has questioned the validity of that claim; especially since Clifford said that he remembered voting for Jane because she has a strong policy against going "potty on the bed." Cherry Bugg declined to comment.
While Jane tends to view her rule more by divine right than people's opinions, she will gladly take the result of her supreme power over all those she surveys.
Miss Jill and Mr. John have no opinion on such matters. They leave the rabbits to rule themselves.
Jane remains adamant that she won a fair election. However, Cherry Bugg claims that in the recount, she won by a margin of 108-2. Jane has questioned the validity of that claim; especially since Clifford said that he remembered voting for Jane because she has a strong policy against going "potty on the bed." Cherry Bugg declined to comment.
While Jane tends to view her rule more by divine right than people's opinions, she will gladly take the result of her supreme power over all those she surveys.
Miss Jill and Mr. John have no opinion on such matters. They leave the rabbits to rule themselves.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Every year is the Year of the Rabbit
All of our bunnies are quite upset today. That whole Chinese New Year being the Year of the Rat didn't please them much at all. According to them, it's about the bunny! Not surprising as they do seem a little self-aggrandizing. Ooh, that word alone raises our blog literacy level!!!
So happy Year of the Rabbit. Again. (Although Jane might derogatorily refer to Cherry Bugg as a RAT after that last back yard election but I don't want to go there.)
So happy Year of the Rabbit. Again. (Although Jane might derogatorily refer to Cherry Bugg as a RAT after that last back yard election but I don't want to go there.)
Saturday, January 19, 2008
The Bunny Stopper!
Saturday, January 5, 2008
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