2020s: The Rise of the Giants I thought it was difficult having three children but four bunnies... and two of them Flemish giants? Not enough food in the house! And it's been a while but with the Coronavirus, it's time to reboot the blog. It's time for us to update everyone on nine living creatures at the same house for over a month...
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Tomorrow Is Cake Day
Yes, indeed. Mary Jane turns two tomorrow. Time to think of telling a story or two later tonight on our blog. Oh, such the nervousness of it all... after all those failed adoptions finally to have one come through.
Oh, such the young girl...
Oh, such the young girl...
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Sometimes you just need to eat a whole lot of bread. Mary Jane snuck off with our loaf of the day/weekend yesterday. I found her in her high chair (of all places) going to town on it. Luckily she gave us some of it later.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Rain, Rain, Go Away...
The girls want the sun to come out so they can play in the front yard like in this photo. Otherwise it's inside all day.
Not to worry, girls. We live in California. It doesn't rain THAT often.
Not to worry, girls. We live in California. It doesn't rain THAT often.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Cough, Sneeze, Hack
Ah, the problem with having little children: they sneeze right into your face. What chance does one have of staying healthy?
At least I am knocking down lots of tea today. Miss Jill wisely bought me an electric teapot years ago which helps out the cause.
At least I am knocking down lots of tea today. Miss Jill wisely bought me an electric teapot years ago which helps out the cause.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Hurts So Good

Yes, the game might have taken place over a week ago but this Bruin still feels proud over UCLA finally defeating their archrival, 38-28. In the picture on the right, linebacker Anthony Barr (from Loyola High, thank you very much) smashed Matt Barkley and knocked him out of the game (and the Notre Dame game as well). While UCLA lost their next game to Stanford (way too many penalties), they still advanced to the Pac-12 title game against Stanford (odd quirk in the schedule). The winner goes to the Rose Bowl. Wow, Mister John hasn't been to the Rose Bowl since 1999... yes, the Cade McNown era.
Girls Celebrate Thumpsgiving with Cookie Sue
Mary Jane and Betsy celebrated Cookie Sue and Betsy's first Thumpsgiving with the family. As seen to the right, Mary Jane slightly missed on placing the food in the bowl but Phillip (not amused that MJ fed Cookie Sue first) was OK with it. Betsy politely patted Heidi on the back which startled the carmel-colored bunny but she was ultimately hoppity over it.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
All-Time Bruin Rushing Leader
Cookie Sue Looking Like a Bugg
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
A Mar Vista Halloween
Mama with girls |
Mary Jane much preferred to stand on our porch and distribute candy to all the other trick-or-treaters. One of them (in a Scream mask) actually scared her so she backed up at first and didn't give them a candy.
The Big Bad Wolf with Candy |
Little Red Riding Hood (Betsy) fell asleep as soon as she got back. Too much stimulation for her. As for Mary Jane, she did stay up late for her. All of 7:15 but then she summarily passed out and the rest of the night was quite for the Wolfman and his Wife.
Look, it's Little Red Riding Hood! |
Daddy on a Stroll |
Monday, October 29, 2012
Paul Getting Ready to Hang Ten
Showing a bit of profile |
Getting serious with his board |
Mary Jane was not there to see much of this as she is not allowed that close to too much open water. In the picture to the right, she was looking quite festive. Maybe in a few years she and the Panda will go surfing together. But not until Miss Jill and Mister John approve.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Be True to Your School
Friday, October 19, 2012
Humble Pie
Earlier last week I was tabbed by my principal to be a contestant in the pie eating contest during our Homecoming pep rally. I happily volunteered as I am always willing to volunteer for such strangeness. And I've never been one to be too bothered by doing something that may look awkward or embarrassing. Sure, other teachers might be... good for them. If they don't want to look like the boys in that picture on the right, that's there own prerogative (Bobby Brown agrees).

During this week, the principal had often mentioned to me, "It's a good thing you have a sense of humor, John." Didn't think much of it because I tend to have a decent sense of humor. At least I have the ability to laugh at myself.
This afternoon before the pep rally I changed into a Mary Star "spirit shirt" which esentially is a navy blue t-shirt with a logo on it as opposed to the purple collared shirt I was previously wearing. Hey, if I'm getting chocolate cake on it, I better change accordingly. Some of my "contestants" who were seniors called me out and said that they were going to beat me. I taught most of them as sophomores so they know how incredibly competitive I am by nature. Yes, my name was the one attached to the teacher's bracket for punt, pass, and kick last week (whee, won again!).
(On a more related note to this website, Heidi just hopped between by feet... nothing like the tickling of whiskers on a hairy leg.)
Today the pep rally looked quite spectacular as the gym (a "temporary" one at that) was tranformed into a larger representation of Alice in Wonderland. This year's theme dealt with Wonderland and, yes, I did dress as Tweedledee in the rally seven years ago for the same themed rally (hey, new crop of students, I guess they have the right to repeat once in a while). I stood on the side with a few teachers and parents before the dreaded pie-eating contest. As we were all called up, I slowly walked up there, high fived the appropriate staff and random students.
The tables were set up with three in a line, parallel to the students in the bleachers. Two students at the left table, Mr. Erb in the center table, and two students on the right table. I sat there in the center, waved at the crowd and smiled for the Yearbook camera people. Then of course the blindfold but not before I saw my luscious chocolate cake. I was then blindfolded and was told the rules and off we went.
Some music blared in the background and the crowd went wild as our announcer, Fr. Nick, was calling the play-by-play action. My face dived into the chocolate and swirled around from left to right, just as the Internet site told me to do. OK, I'm quirky and competitive enough to read the instructions on HOW TO WIN A PIE-EATING CONTEST. I knew I was doing quite well as I seemingly was swallowing more than I was breathing.
Then after a few minutes of getting pie here, there, and everywhere (including up my nostrils!), the "pie-eating song" ended and Fr. Nick declared a winner. Internally, I felt a little bummed because I had not reached the crust yet... I still had a little more chocolate and whipped cream to get too. But then he declared the magic words: "Our winner is Mr. Erb!"
Immediately I raised my hands in triumph. Score another victory for Mr. Erb! I took off my blindfold to see that both tables as well as the students were no long there. Under the guise of the noise and my blindfold, they retreated to leave me all alone in the middle of the gym. Ah, silly Mr. Erb eating a chocolate pie like a madman! This all registered in my brain in about half a second. I could have been mad but I was not. Instead I looked straight ahead at the cameras and knowing that I had a completely chocolate-covered face, I raised my hands again in triumph, and pointed them forward in a I-da-man pose. (Hey, when the jokes on you, I'll laugh; when it's on me, I'll laugh more.)

Hopefully the Yearbook kids will send me a copy next week so I can attach it to this not-so-brief blog this evening. It's 8:30 now, a full six-and-a-half hours after the contest and I can still smell chocolate as it must be half way up my sinuses by now. Yeah, ew.
And yes, I don't think I'll be eating any chocolate for a few weeks... whethere it's Halloween or not.

During this week, the principal had often mentioned to me, "It's a good thing you have a sense of humor, John." Didn't think much of it because I tend to have a decent sense of humor. At least I have the ability to laugh at myself.
This afternoon before the pep rally I changed into a Mary Star "spirit shirt" which esentially is a navy blue t-shirt with a logo on it as opposed to the purple collared shirt I was previously wearing. Hey, if I'm getting chocolate cake on it, I better change accordingly. Some of my "contestants" who were seniors called me out and said that they were going to beat me. I taught most of them as sophomores so they know how incredibly competitive I am by nature. Yes, my name was the one attached to the teacher's bracket for punt, pass, and kick last week (whee, won again!).
(On a more related note to this website, Heidi just hopped between by feet... nothing like the tickling of whiskers on a hairy leg.)

The tables were set up with three in a line, parallel to the students in the bleachers. Two students at the left table, Mr. Erb in the center table, and two students on the right table. I sat there in the center, waved at the crowd and smiled for the Yearbook camera people. Then of course the blindfold but not before I saw my luscious chocolate cake. I was then blindfolded and was told the rules and off we went.
Some music blared in the background and the crowd went wild as our announcer, Fr. Nick, was calling the play-by-play action. My face dived into the chocolate and swirled around from left to right, just as the Internet site told me to do. OK, I'm quirky and competitive enough to read the instructions on HOW TO WIN A PIE-EATING CONTEST. I knew I was doing quite well as I seemingly was swallowing more than I was breathing.
Then after a few minutes of getting pie here, there, and everywhere (including up my nostrils!), the "pie-eating song" ended and Fr. Nick declared a winner. Internally, I felt a little bummed because I had not reached the crust yet... I still had a little more chocolate and whipped cream to get too. But then he declared the magic words: "Our winner is Mr. Erb!"
Immediately I raised my hands in triumph. Score another victory for Mr. Erb! I took off my blindfold to see that both tables as well as the students were no long there. Under the guise of the noise and my blindfold, they retreated to leave me all alone in the middle of the gym. Ah, silly Mr. Erb eating a chocolate pie like a madman! This all registered in my brain in about half a second. I could have been mad but I was not. Instead I looked straight ahead at the cameras and knowing that I had a completely chocolate-covered face, I raised my hands again in triumph, and pointed them forward in a I-da-man pose. (Hey, when the jokes on you, I'll laugh; when it's on me, I'll laugh more.)

Hopefully the Yearbook kids will send me a copy next week so I can attach it to this not-so-brief blog this evening. It's 8:30 now, a full six-and-a-half hours after the contest and I can still smell chocolate as it must be half way up my sinuses by now. Yeah, ew.
And yes, I don't think I'll be eating any chocolate for a few weeks... whethere it's Halloween or not.
bobby brown,
Cherry Bugg,
chocolate pie,
Mary Star,
Mr. Erb,
pep rally,
pie eating contest,
spirit shirt,
Thursday, October 18, 2012
New Bunnies Jealous
Heidi and Cookie were not happy that Miss Jill and Mister John ate carrots last night. According to them, all carrots must go to the rabbit contingent. That's ok, though, they were later given hay and water with ice cubes.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Mary Jane and Betsy: Playing with the Swing
Betsy loves being in the swing and we really just need to remind Mary Jane to watch out so she won't get kicked in the head! Gotta be tough in this family.
Our Even More Recent Addition!
Hello world, please meet Cookie Sue Bugg. She has large stand-up ears, loves to hide in baskets, and is very fond of children. Good for you, Cookie Sue! Now only if you can bond with Heidi soon.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Our Newest Addition
Heidi |
Heidi loves to sit in the living and hop back and forth between Mister John and Miss Jill. She seems quite the sociable bunny but she has not yet interacted with either Phillip or Ruby Jane. That will be a chapter of its own.
Mary Jane Does a Bit of Dancing
Anyway, in this video, Mary Jane does a little dancing before telling Gramma hi. Quintessential wacky Mary Jane here.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Girls Ready for Seeing Extended Family
Mary Jane and Betsy Jo are ready to see Gramma and an assortment of aunts this weekend. Hopefully Mary Jane will not repeat her over-eating of canteloupes this year. As for Betsy Jo, maybe she'll copy and sister and try to say, "No no no!"
Monday, August 27, 2012
Betsy's Birthday Party
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Yay for Betsy
Alas, her birthday was on Monday but still it is important to remember how precious little Miss Betsy is to us. Just look at that face... nevermind the cake. Oh, cuteness personified. Like Cherry Bugg. Of course.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Cherry Bugg Angered at Vice President Slight
Cherry Bugg just found out this evening that she would not be Mitt Romney's vice presidential pick. While she admits this was a crushing blow, she remains firm in her convictions that she is the best choice. Now she can focus all of her energy to winning the rabbit election of 2012 on Dewey Street.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Cherry Bugg Teaches Betsy Jo about Being a Bugg
Cherry Bugg and Betsy Jo |
Betsy Jo sat and listened and really didn't have much to say other than her occasional mono-syllabic squeak that she makes. The Chee came away from the mini-conference with renewed confidence. "She didn't try to pet me too hard," said the Chee, referencing another little girl in the household who has been notorious in petting too hard.
Betsy Jo agrees |
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Alas, poor Driveway, I knew him well, Horatio
Mary Jane is watching intently as the asphault is being taken up.
Surf's Up?
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Almost as good as seeing a surprised little girl is telling her to act surprised and then her acting that way. Here Mary Jane is listening to her Gramma on how to be more surprised. At least she didn't go all Macauley Caulkin in Home Alone. That would have been unfortunate.
Darn blenders. They scare everyone!!!
Another Medal Day for Mary Jane
This is the life. Feet up on the table, chewing on her food, and looking at her Sports Illustrated. I'd wear my Olympic medal today too.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
The Power of Sunglasses
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Must Be a Decathlon Conspiracy
Olympic Spirit

Doe, a Deer? A Female Deer?
Mommy, Betsy, Mary Jane, and a Deer |
What about us? |
Silly Goat |
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Doc Gives Cherry Bugg Clean Bill of Health
The Chee abides |
The doctor was very comforting in saying that Chee was quite healthy for someone of her age (eight years old is a bit more on the elder side for rabbits). "What does he think I should be doing? Playing shuffleboard?" she quipped at Mister John on the ride home afterward. He didn't have a response for that but just kept facing forward lest he somehow provoke another comment from "the Chee and only" as she often refers to herself.
Later in the day she received a large amount of lettuce and graciously munched on that. "No dental problem here," as she glared to any rabbit who would be watching.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Betsy's Holiday Wishes
Miss Betsy wished everyone to have an eventful Fourth of July as long as she was allowed to have some fruits, veggies, a couple bottles of formula, and a stroll outside with her big sister Mary Jane. Other than that, she just wished that the fireworks would go off before 10pm.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Family Represent
Betsy Jo met some of her cousins today at Aunt Pat's. From left to right: Ed, Larry/Tim, Gina, Garrett, Daddy, Betsy Jo, and Trevor. Fun was had by all... including Betsy Jo.
Daddy Dogpile!!!
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