Friday, March 28, 2008

A Little Bit of Ireland

Bit by bit, Jill and I shall cover the venture to Ireland. Here to the right is a local inhabitant in the city of Dooley. Jill for some reason thinks that this local bleater looks just our wonderful young rabbit Ruby Jane. I just don't see it. The ears are all wrong!

Anyway, we're both finally getting back to our normal sleep cycle. At least I have UCLA basketball games to watch to keep me up later.

Oooh, a Friday when we can eat meat. Last week it was tiger prawns? I can't recall... I lose memories when crossing time zones.
So on the lower left hand corner here is a brilliant sunset taken from our B&B in the city of Dingle. I do believe it's Easter night that this was taken. Dingle is quite the small harbor village in southwestern Ireland. Most of the people there speak Irish as their first language as was obvious during Easter Mass. I haven't heard a bilingual Mass like that since Scott and Cyndi were married. Not only that but there was a funeral thrown in too. The Easter Mass, not Scott and Cyndi's wedding.
I'll search for more picture about which to comment. Until then... go Bruins.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Back from Ireland!

Yes, we have returned from our ten-day sojourn in the Emerald Isle. After Jill and I have both rested for a day or so, we shall write a voluminous blog about our stay there. A few things to note:
  • It's good to be on the RIGHT side of the road again
  • Those roads are quite small and bumpy too
  • Yes, there may be wind and rain... but it's Irish rain
  • One can only drink so much tea in the morning
  • Nothing like hearing natives debate the subject of Bank Holiday on the radio

That is all for now... pictures soon.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

All things GREEN

It's t-minus 10 days (is that how you say it?) to our Irish adventure.

I prefer saying Irish adventure to trip to Ireland. Sounds more romantic!

And while I have no plans on conceiving our first born in Ireland, I have pledged to a friend that we'd name "it" Clover if we did. I kid not.
John would hate the name Clover but I don't like to go back on promises!

Today, I managed to reserve the tiniest car in the world for our trip. Hey...the price at the pump is intimidating...we might as well reserve the tiny car, right? It's an automatic, thank God.
Well, at least that's what I ordered. John learned to drive an H-column stick shift in Arizona a few weeks ago. If he can master that, he should have no problem mastering a regular stick on the wrong side of the car using his left hand, right? I guess that should be correct. But anyway.

I am off to the homestead. Dinner tonight for John's Academic Decathlon team. We'll see if I can weasel out or not! --Jill