Thursday, April 5, 2012

Rabbit Liberation Day: 2012!

It's just a few days until one of the biggest days on the rabbit calendar: Rabbit Liberation Day. On that day, rabbits of the world unite and break their chains of bondage and servitude. They hop and thump proudly and independently while they enjoy eating carrots, apples, and pretzels (at least the German ones) throughout the world.

The Erb rabbits in charge of setting up Rabbit Liberation Day festivities
This event used to be led by the "Easter Bunny" but truth be told, that bunny was a sell-out to the cause. He was voted out in an election over ten years ago and there has been an amalgam of bunny leaders ever since. Root Beer Float and Ruby Jane, for instance, are the local Mar Vista chapter representatives in charge of food and drink. Cherry Bugg is in charge of security. Prince Phillip is in charge of decorations. Mary Jane and Betsy Jo are the new coordinators of cuteness. 

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