Monday, June 18, 2012

Trying to Get Betsy Jo to Wave

While Daddy was at the pediatrician's office last week, he realized through their typical update questions that he and Mommy had not taught Betsy Jo how to wave.  Oops... must have been that intolerable UCLA basketball season that kept Daddy from imparting such wisdom unto his little girl like waving and clapping.  (Meanwhile Mary Jane is a waving maniac and a clapping fiend... especially when singing the lyrics of "Who's Going to School Today?")

Here Betsy looks agog at Daddy thinking there is no way that she will wave for the camera.  Daddy tries his best and Mary Jane also obliges but to no avail.

Do notice how well Mary Jane has moved on in utensil usage.  Sorry, no chopsticks yet.  Not until Mommy and Daddy have mastered that.  And don't listen to those who say Daddy doesn't hold a fork properly.  That's just nonesense.

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